Rev. Sundria Sam-Wright
University of California, Davis Medical Center
Fall 2024 - 2025 ACPE Residency: Chaplaincy Services & Education
Pacific School of Religion (PSR) - Berkeley, California
2024 Student: Doctor of Ministry
2023 Graduate: MDiv / MAST / CPE / Certificate of Spirituality & Social Change
About Me
I was born and raised in a small rural town in Mississippi called Natchez, where the most important things were who your people were (family by last name), what subdivision you lived in, where you attended church, and in which ministries/roles you participated. Later, when I was still a young child, we moved as a newly blended military family to an Air Force base in Northern California. It was a whole new world living on an Air Force base in enlisted housing where the importance was where you were from, what accent you spoke, and what rank your parent(s) held. Race, ethnicity, and segregation weren't at the forefront of people's minds as it was down South. However, rank took on a new hierarchal meaning. Despite the stark cultural shift, I became a member of a local church where I actively served within multiple ministries for over 40 years.
Although I began my college experience out-of-state and lived abroad for a while, I eventually settled in Northern California to continue my education, begin a career, marry, and raise a family. I became a widow in 2014 with a grown son (Donte') and daughter (Sheria). I now have six grandloves and a bonus son (Zurich). I was blessed in August 2024, to marry Rev. Richard Wright, PH.D. We look forward to a long life of loving one another as we serve God's people in ways that showcase the perfect example of harmony, purpose, wisdom, oneness, teamwork, care, sacrifice, and unity modeled through the Divine Trinity. We joined Shiloh Baptist Church of Hayward, California in March 2024 where we faithfully serve side-by-side in ministry.
I was called to the ministry March 27, 2016. I became licensed to preach the Gospel on November 24, 2020 and became ordained on July 9, 2023.
Service of Ordination
Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
Vallejo, CA
Rev. Dr. Justin R. Lester, Senior Pastor
Rev. Dr. Caroll Broadfoot, Jr. Pastor Emeritus
After becoming a mentee of Rev. Dr. Alvin Christopher Bernstine, an author and retired pastor, I began to study God's word in depth from 2016 to the present. I completed a Bible Teaching certification at the Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary (CLD), a Responsible Preaching certification at the Leadership Institute at Allen Temple, and the Divinity & Social Transformation master's degrees at PSR. In January 2024, I began a Doctor in Ministry (DMIN) program at PSR. I look forward to completing four additional Accredited Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE) units at the University of California, Davis Medical Center in a one-year residency program ending in the Fall of 2025.
I believe nothing is birthed from you unless you have first labored with it. I began life living in an underserved, disenfranchised, marginalized, and oppressed community. I have a heart for those living in underserved and underrepresented communities. I have been blessed to serve within those communities, doing non-profit work during my time at PSR. I've come a long way while still facing discrimination and oppression, primarily related to my race and gender. God has walked with me through many trials and brought me to a place of ministering to others. Theology is contextual! I desire to combine my seminary education with understanding and embracing my intersectionalities and celebrating others while learning to be and live more like Jesus to create a more just and equitable world for all people, especially those within inclusive and affirming religious communities.
“We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads,
and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results.” ― Herman Melville

My Approach
He will answer them, ‘I’m telling the solemn truth: Whenever you failed to do one of these things to someone who was being overlooked or ignored, that was me—you failed to do it to me.’ Matthew 25:45
My approach to ministry is based upon my understanding of Jesus' ministry. He challenged the status quo by ministering to people from all walks of life -- empowering his followers to make a difference. Jesus did not discriminate. He ministered to the poor, sick, marginalized, and ostracized by using simple language and everyday illustrations. His teachings were accessible to everyone, regardless of their education or social status. In like manner my goal is to an accessible ministry.
I look forward to a pastoral ministry utilizing the Word of God for teaching, preaching, and shepherding God's people in underserved communities. Leveraging prior experience I plan to partner with community based organizations (CBO's) for support services:
Local city and county organizations for athletics, tutoring, housing, food, clothing programs, and pop-up health clinics
dFree for financial literacy
Local marriage & family therapists for mental health awareness & care
Kaiser Permanente for improved health with social needs and community conditions
Urban Outreach Foundation for Black church model resources
Ministry Tools Resource Center for Christian Ministry Resources
Black Girls Code to increase women of color as innovators in digital fields
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE's) & Watch Me Grow, Inc. for resources and community support services
California State University (CSU) programs for Algebra Institutes to assist with educational opportunities for advancement
Local district attorney, sheriff, fire and police departments to support healthy interactions at local levels with events like:
Adopt A Poll polling location for safe, trustworthy access for voting
Black Women Organized for Political Action (BWOPA) for inclusion of Black women in the political process
Listed above are a few of the collaborative partnerships I have utilized in the past and look forward to continuing relationships in the future that will support community unity, cooperative economics, and resource access for all.
"Theology should not be an abstract exercise, but rather a tool for liberation and social justice." - Dr. Emilie M. Townes

I'd love to support or serve at your training, event, or worship opportunity. Let's connect!